Introduction of University
University of Health Sciences (UHS) Lahore is a vibrant, internationally recognized, student-centered, research university with 128 colleges and institutes affiliated and around 106916 undergraduate and 9157 postgraduate students registered with it.
The University was established in 2002. It was the first dedicated health sciences university established in the province with a vision to bring qualitative and quantitative revolution in medical education and research through evolution. Almost all the public and private medical and dental colleges of the Punjab are affiliated with UHS.
The University is focused on delivering high-quality instruction in Basic Medical Sciences, revitalizing the neglected fields of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, pioneering courses in Medical Education, Human Genetics and Behavioural Sciences, and fostering indigenous research activities.
UHS University of Health Sciences Lahore MBBS – BDS Admission
University offered Program
Require Documents
CNIC of Candidate
CNIC of Father
All Previous Degrees Result Card
Passport Size Picture
Contact Number
Email Address
Eligibility Criteria
NO.SO(ME-II)2-1/2024: Pursuant to the approval of the Government of the Punjab/ Provincial Cabinet in its 15th meeting held on 16.09.2024, the Admission Policy for admissions to the MBBS/BDS Courses for the academic session 2024-25 in public and private sector Medical and Dental Colleges in Punjab is notified hereunder:
1. University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore, “Admitting University”, shall conduct admissions to MBBS/ BDS courses of public and private sector Medical and Dental Institutions/ Colleges in Punjab for the Session 2024-2025.
2. The merit determination formula for the Session 2024-2025 shall be as under.
MDCAT | 50% weightage |
F.Sc (Pre-Medical)/HSSC/Equivalent | 40% weightage |
Matriculation/SSC/ Equivalent | 10% weightage |
3. The pass percentage and validity period of MDCAT shall be as under:
Examination | Course | Pass % | Validity Period |
MDCAT | MBBS | 55 | Three years from the date of conduct of MDCAT |
BDS | 50 |
4. The eligibility criteria for admissions shall be:
a. has passed the MDCAT Examination;
b. has obtained a Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) qualification or an equivalent 12th grade qualification recognized in Pakistan (IBCC Equivalence Certificate is mandatory in that case) and having obtained minimum 60% marks therein; and 16/10/2074
c. has passed the subjects of Biology and Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics in the examination of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination or an equivalent 12th grade qualification recognized in Pakistan.DEPA
*Provided that the mandatory requirement of MDCAT shall not apply to the candidates admitted on special program seat pre-defined exclusively for foreign students and on the seats reserved for Overseas (being a Pakistani citizen permanently resident in foreign country) Pakistanis, who have studied and passed HSSC 12 grade examination or equivalent from outside Pakistan. Such students shall qualify SAT-II with minimum score of 550 in each subject or a foreign MCAT examination or UCAT examination with 50% marks in each subject prescribed as stated supra in 4(C).
5. Hafiz-e-Quran Marks:
The marks for Hifz-e-Quran shall not be granted for admission to Medical and Dental Colleges in the light of PM&DC Medical and Dental Undergraduate Education (Admissions, Curriculum And Conduct) Policy and Regulations 2023 and the decision of six membered Bench vide Order dated 04.04.2023 in Suo-Moto case.
6. Students applying for admissions shall give an order of preferences for public and private sector edical and Dental Colleges. In case of Private sector, there shall be no restriction on the number of colleges to be opted by a candidate. In case of public sector, the applicant has to choose all colleges in order of reference.
The application shall be editable till the closing date of submission; however, the number and order of preferences cannot be changed after last date of submission of on-line application. A college, not included in the preference list of student, shall not be considered for grant of admission/up-gradation.

7. Students admitted in private sector institutions may exercise the option to forego the right of ungraduation at the time of joining an institution. The option once availed shall attain finality and shall neither be revoked nor modified at any subsequent stage.
8. The admission process shall be conducted through an on-line portal. The University of Health Sciences, Lahore shall charge a fee of Rs. 2000/- from each candidate applying for admission to public and private sector Medical & Dental Colleges in Punjab. Each candidate shall apply separately to a medical or dental program. A student having not applied to a given program shall not be entitled to admission to such program. The selected candidate shall deposit prescribed college fee within three (03) working days after the display of the merit list. The University shall prepare college-wise selection list(s) in accordance with merit- cum-preference of candidates through a fair digitalized system developed/ acquired by the University. The following procedures shall be followed:
a. Candidates shall deposit prescribed colleges fee in any branch of Bank of Punjab in Pakistan. In case of failure to deposit the prescribed admission fee within stipulated time period, such candidates shall have no vested right of admission in that year.
b. Only those candidates shall be considered as admitted candidates who will “join” the program by (a) depositing the prescribed fee and other dues by due date, and (b) reporting (in writing) to their respective colleges by due date.
c. The deposited fee will be disbursed to the concerned colleges immediately after completion of admissions in designated Bank of concerned colleges by the UHS, Lahore.
Check more eligibility: Click Here
Last Date
The commencement of the process of receiving applications for admissions in public and private medical and dental colleges of Punjab, which was scheduled to start from 21 October 2024, is being postponed.
The new schedule of admissions will be announced later as per the guidelines of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.

How to Apply
- Open the Website of UHS University (Click Here) to sign in the Online Admission Student profile.
- Candidate must read the instructions on the website carefully while completing the Online Admission. Possible queries have been addressed in the instructions.

Contact to UHS
University of Health Sciences, Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore-54600.
Helpline (24/7) # 111-33-33-66
info@uhs.edu.pk Contact US
UHS University of Health Sciences Lahore MBBS – BDS Admission 2024-2025

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